Friday, June 27, 2008

i still inhale oxygen

peepz. i maybe silent for the past few weeks, or month, but i'm still here, furiously kicking and screaming. it's just that our new dorm is breaking the old definitions of CRAP and taking it into a whole other level of debaucherie by not having any connections to the net at all, whether wi-fi, LAN, or even dial-up. the latest announcement goes that it's gonna exist as soon as possible, and by the looks of it, they're using the word soon in its loosest definition. thus, i still can't do my daily routine of virtual hopping and updating about my latest shenanigans. add to that is my lack of luck that is the destruction of Miming, my laptop. drenched by the wrath of the clouds and the wind, she has become one of the thousands of casualties that the typhoon Frank has mercilessly reaped (pray. lots and lots of it are what we should do. and donations if we have enough to give). 

that's all.


jinitics rocks. bayoloji rocks. our teeeaccchhheeer in jinitics rocks.